Bigin for your Lead Management

Bigin has features that perfectly combine contact management, omnichannel communication, and automation, making it ideal for successful conversion of your leads and prospects to lifelong customers.

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Ensure optimal conversion

Lead management involves generating leads, capturing lead data, consistent engagement and nurturing, analyzing lead quality, and ultimately converting them into customers. As your CRM solution, Bigin has specific features that help you manage every stage mentioned above effectively and optimize your lead management efforts to ensure maximum conversion.

Centralize your data in Bigin

Spreadsheets, pocket diaries, and email inboxes: These are the tools small business owners use most often to gather and secure information about their leads and prospects. But the true challenge is when you have leverage this scattered information to convert your leads into customers successfully.

Enter Bigin: A designated space to store every piece of data you acquire, thereby serving as a single and centralized source of all customer information.

Seamless right from the start

Transitioning your business to new solutions can be intimidating. With Bigin, however, you can have all your existing data imported into your account with one quick action—giving you a fresh start, but also a bit of familiarity and security. With all your data intact, your transition to CRM with Bigin is sure to be comfortable and seamless.

pipeline and stages

Forms are a favorite!

Quick and simple forms are the easiest way to gather prospect details, and Bigin's forms are super-easy to build and share. With no requirement to code, you can just drag and drop the fields you need. Generate a URL or a QR code for your forms and share them with your leads or embed them in your website. While earlier, forms could only be used to collect contact details, you can now use them to gather any relevant data for your pipelines.

mass emails

Capture and consolidate leads from your inbox

As small businesses across the globe continue to rely on email marketing heavily, Bigin offers multiple automation features to capture and centralize the leads generated therefrom. While email integration brings your inbox within your CRM, the Bigin add-on for Gmail automatically captures new contact details from your inbox. Our Email-In topping goes one step further by automatically converting your emails into records in the relevant team pipelines.


Be present across channels

Reaching out to your leads and being reachable is crucial for their conversion. Bigin opens up multiple avenues of communication, including email, phone, and Twitter, to help you stay consistently connected with your leads. The Signals feature also sends you real-time notifications across these touch-points, ensuring that no communication from your lead goes unattended.


Use analytics to decide your course of action

Lead management is a continuous process and involves a series of efforts and actions that ultimately result in the conversion of a lead into a customer. Bigin's customizable dashboards analyze the effectiveness of your efforts, enabling you to reflect on what's working and to realign your course of action accordingly.


Integrates with Google Workspace,
Microsoft Office 365 and other apps you love

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Bigin on the right note with your leads!

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