Runtime HRMS achieves a 30% decrease in turnaround time with Bigin

Omkar DhengleRuntime HRMS

The company

Runtime HRMS, founded in 2016 by Prashant Agarwal, is a software company dedicated to simplifying and streamlining HR processes for businesses (Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). With a team of 30 dedicated individuals, they offer comprehensive HR and payroll management solutions that are designed to be user friendly and cost effective.

Driven by a vision to empower businesses of all sizes with efficient and affordable HR tools, Runtime HRMS remains committed to reducing the burden of complex HR tasks.

The challenge

In the past, the company relied on HubSpot to manage their customer operations. However, they found it wasn't easy to use; HubSpot's elaborate set of features proved to be too complex for the team, which hindered their growth and diminished their ability to manage their operations smoothly.

"We started explored LeadSquared but quickly realized it was not meant for our small team—and its also proved to be expensive".

Omkar DhengleBusiness Developement Manager, Runtime HRMS

In search of a more user-friendly alternative, Omkar Dhengle, Runtime HRMS's Business Development Manager, evaluated LeadSquared. The tool offered promising features, but it quickly became apparent to Omkar that the solution wasn't well-suited for his team's needs. LeadSquared's pricing structure was on the higher end, and a small business like Runtime HRMS needed a tailor-made and cost-effective solution.

The solution

Omkar's search for a user-friendly CRM led him to Bigin—which he found via a Google search. Intrigued by its UI and streamlined functionalities, he started with a trial version. He soon found that tool's simplicity resonated with him and his team at Runtime HRMS—and its affordability was an added benefit. Thanks to these advantages, Omkar quickly transitioned to a paid version of Bigin.

Currently, his team utilizes two essential pipelines: Sales and Support. Leads generated through Runtime HRMS's social media accounts and website flow seamlessly into their sales pipelines. As these leads are nurtured and converted into deals, Bigin's powerful connected records feature comes into play. With the help of workflows, leads from the final stage of the sales pipeline are automatically created as new records in the first stage of the support pipeline. The result is a smooth handover without any need for manual intervention, which minimizes errors and miscommunications between the teams.

The team at Runtime HRMS have integrated their email service with Bigin to achieve easy communication with their customers. They also use Bigin's signals to track email insights and identify which email templates work best for their business process.

Benefits and ROI

  • Achieved a 30% decrease in turnaround-time (TAT).
  • Achieved an email response time of less than four hours, ensuring prompt customer service.
  • Mobile apps equipped with call widgets help streamline the team's calling process.
  • Transparency between the sales and support teams has increased.
  • Achieved a substantial increase in user productivity.
  • Looking forward

    Witnessing the positive impact that Bigin has had on Runtime HRMS gives Omkar the confidence to add more users to his existing Bigin account and to extend the implementation of Bigin to other teams in the company.

    "If you're a startup or a small, team-sized company, I strongly recommend you to start your journey with Bigin."

    Chetan MangeCustomer Success Manager, Runtime HRMS
    • Industry typeHR Software
    • Employees
    • Type of businessSoftware
    • Previously Used SoftwareHubSpot

    Features that helped us

    Team PipelinesMobile App