Get fields metadata

Retrieve the metadata of fields in a module. The fields metadata describes the fields available in a module and their properties.

Request URL


Choose domain-specific URL to replace {api-domain}

You can use the domain-specific URL to access Bigin resources. Based on the data center in which the Bigin account's resources are available, replace {api-domain} in the preceding request with one of the following API domain URLs:

  • For US,
  • For EU,
  • For AU,
  • For IN,
  • For CN,
  • For JP,

For more information, see Multi DC Support.



For this endpoint, pass the access token as an authorization header. See OAuth Authentication for more information about access tokens.

Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken <ACCESS_TOKEN>

You must authenticate using an access token that is associated with one of the following scopes:

  • ZohoBigin.settings.fields.READ
  • ZohoBigin.settings.fields.ALL
  • ZohoBigin.settings.ALL

Request parameters

The available request parameters are given below:

Query parameters

module stringRequired

Specify the API name of the module. The possible modules for this endpoint and their API name are given below:

ModuleAPI Name
Associate ProductsAssociate_Products

Sample request

Copiedcurl "" \
-X GET \
-H  "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Copiedresponse = invokeurl
	url: ""
	type: GET
info response;

Response object

The response object contains the following details:

Note: When working with the API request bodies, utilize the api_name of the fields instead of their label names. This ensures that any modifications to the label names will not affect your existing integrations.

webhook boolean

Has the value true if the field is supported in webhook or the value false if the field is not supported in webhook.

colour_code_enabled_by_system boolean

Indicates whether the color code is enabled by the system for this field.

field_label string

Indicates the label or name assigned to the field.

tooltip string

Indicates additional descriptive information or hints for the field.

type string

Indicates the type of the field.

field_read_only boolean

Indicates whether the field is read-only or not.

display_label string

The display label used for presenting the field.

read_only boolean

Indicates whether the field is read-only or not.

association_details string

Contains details about the association of the field with other entities.

businesscard_supported boolean

Indicates whether the field is supported in business cards or not.

multi_module_lookup jsonobject

Contains details about the field when it is used as a multi module lookup field.

id string

The unique identification of the field.

created_time datetime

Indicates the date and time (ISO8601) when the field was created.

filterable boolean

Indicates whether the field can be used for filtering records or not.

visible boolean

Indicates whether the field is visible or hidden.

profiles jsonarray

Lists various profiles that have access to the field.

view_type jsonobject

Contains the following details:

  • view - Indicates whether the field is viewable or not.
  • edit - Indicates whether the field is editable or not.
  • quick_create - Indicates whether the field is instantly creatable or not.
  • create - Indicates whether the field is creatable or not.


subform string

Indicates the details if the field belongs to a subform.

separator boolean

Indicates whether the field is a separator or not.

searchable boolean

Indicates whether the field can be searched or not.

external string

Indicates whether the field is an external field or related to external data.

api_name string

Indicates the API name of the field.

unique jsonobject

Contains the details about the uniqueness constraint for the field.

enable_colour_code boolean

Indicates whether the color code is enabled for this field.

pick_list_values jsonarray

Contains the list of values available for selection in the picklist.

system_mandatory boolean

Indicates whether the field is system-mandatory.

virtual_field boolean

Indicates whether the field is a virtual field or not.

json_type string

Indicates the JSON data type of the field.

crypt string

Indicates whether the field is encrypted or related to encryption.

created_source string

Indicates the source of creation for the field.

display_type integer

Indicates the display type of the field.

ui_type integer

Indicates the user interface type of the field.

modified_time datetime

Indicates the date and time when the field was last modified.

quick_sequence_number integer

Indicates the quick sequence number for the field.

email_parser jsonobject

Contains details about the field when it is used for email parsing.

currency jsonobject

Contains the details about the currency settings for the field.

custom_field boolean

Indicates whether the field is a custom field.

lookup jsonobject

Contains details about the field when it is used for lookup.

length integer

Indicates the length or size of the field.

display_field boolean

Indicates whether the field is a display field or not.

pick_list_values_sorted_lexically boolean

Indicates whether the picklist values are sorted lexically.

sortable boolean

Indicates whether the field is sortable or not.

global_picklist string

Indicates the global picklist associated with the field.

history_tracking string

Contains the details about the history tracking settings for the field.

data_type string

Indicates the data type of the field.

formula jsonobject

Contains details about the field when it is used for formula computation.

decimal_place string

Indicates the number of decimal places allowed for numeric fields.

mass_update boolean

Indicates whether the field supports mass updating or not.

multiselectlookup jsonobject

Contains the details about the field when it is used for multi-select lookup.

auto_number jsonobject

Contains the details about the field when it is used for auto-numbering.


Possible error codes

The response of this resource includes HTTP status and error codes.

Sample response

    "fields": [
            "webhook": true,
            "colour_code_enabled_by_system": false,
            "field_label": "Pipeline crm.label.record.owner",
            "tooltip": null,
            "type": "used",
            "field_read_only": true,
            "display_label": "Potential Owner",
            "read_only": false,
            "association_details": null,
            "businesscard_supported": true,
            "multi_module_lookup": {},
            "id": "2034020000000000515",
            "created_time": null,
            "filterable": true,
            "visible": true,
            "profiles": [
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "Administrator",
                    "id": "2034020000000015972"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "Standard",
                    "id": "2034020000000015975"
            "view_type": {
                "view": true,
                "edit": true,
                "quick_create": false,
                "create": true
            "subform": null,
            "separator": false,
            "searchable": true,
            "external": null,
            "api_name": "Owner",
            "unique": {},
            "enable_colour_code": false,
            "pick_list_values": [],
            "system_mandatory": false,
            "virtual_field": false,
            "json_type": "jsonobject",
            "crypt": null,
            "created_source": "default",
            "display_type": -1,
            "ui_type": 8,
            "modified_time": "2023-05-10T19:18:13+05:30",
            "email_parser": {
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                "record_operations_supported": false
            "currency": {},
            "custom_field": false,
            "lookup": {},
            "length": 120,
            "display_field": false,
            "pick_list_values_sorted_lexically": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "global_picklist": null,
            "history_tracking": null,
            "data_type": "ownerlookup",
            "formula": {},
            "decimal_place": null,
            "mass_update": false,
            "multiselectlookup": {},
            "auto_number": {}
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            "colour_code_enabled_by_system": false,
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            "tooltip": null,
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                    "name": "Standard",
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            "currency": {},
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            "sortable": true,
            "global_picklist": null,
            "history_tracking": {
                "module": {
                    "api_name": "DealHistory",
                    "id": "2034020000000205001"
                "duration_configured_field": {
                    "api_name": "Stage_Duration_Calendar_Days",
                    "id": "2034020000000205009"
            "data_type": "picklist",
            "formula": {},
            "decimal_place": null,
            "mass_update": true,
            "blueprint_supported": true,
            "multiselectlookup": {},
            "auto_number": {}
            "webhook": true,
            "colour_code_enabled_by_system": false,
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            "tooltip": null,
            "type": "used",
            "field_read_only": false,
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