Build Your Presence on Marketplace

Before you start publishing your topping to the Bigin Marketplace, make sure you create a company profile.

Create a company profile

When you create a company profile, you'll get the visibility on the listing page of a topping. The company profile builds credibility when customers are browsing for toppings on the Marketplace. If a company profile is present, you can filter toppings by vendor, and then identify verified partners.

To create a company profile, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Bigin Marketplace, and then sign in.
  2. On the top-right corner of the homepage, click the Profile icon, and then select Partner Console.
  3. From the left panel, select Company profile.
  4. Type the necessary details in each tab. To navigate to the next tab, click Next.
  5. On the final tab, select the check box to agree to the Marketplace Vendor agreement, and then click Finish.

The company profile is created successfully.

You can preview the draft of the company profile and it looks like this:

  1. You can use the Edit button to make changes to the details of the company profile.

  2. You can go to the People tab to add the details of the people involved in the creation of the topping.