Custom Field Types

This section contains information about different types of custom fields and their properties.

Text Field

A single-line text field allows you to input sequence of characters and numbers with a limit of 255 characters.

The properties for the text field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the text field.
  2. Length - Type the length of the text field. You can specify the length between 1 to 255 characters.

Integer Field

This field allows you to input integer numbers with a limit of maximum 9 digits.

The properties for the Integer field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the integer field.
  2. Length - Type the length of the integer field. You can specify the length between 1 to 9 digits.

Percent Field

This field allows you to input a percentage (%) value with a limit of maximum 5 digits.

The properties for the percentage field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the percent field.

Decimal Field

This field allows you to input the decimal values with a limit of maximum 16 digits including the decimal places.

The properties for the decimal field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the decimal field.
  2. Length - Type the length of the decimal value. You can specify the length between 1 to 16 digits. A maximum of 16 digits are allowed including the decimal places.
  3. Decimal Places - Type the number of decimal places. For example, the decimal number 245.66 contains 2 decimal places.

Currency Field

This field allows you to input the currency value with a limit of maximum 16 digits including decimal places. Also, the maximum limit for decimal places is 9 digits and the decimal value is restricted based on the selected rounding option.

The properties for the currency field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the currency field.
  2. Length - Type the length of the decimal value. You can specify the length between 1 to 16 digits. A maximum of 16 digits are allowed including the decimal places.
  3. Rounding Option - From the drop-down list, select the options such as Normal, Round Off, Round Down, or Round Up.

    If you select the options such as Round Off, Round Down, or Round Up, the Precision drop-down list appears.

  4. Precision - From the drop-down list, select the value of the precision.
  5. Decimal Places - Type the number of decimal places. For example, the decimal number 245.66 contains 2 decimal places.

For example, understand the currency value based on selected rounding option, decimal places, and precision values in the following:

Currency Type Custom Fields
OptionAmountDecimal PlacesPrecisionResult
Normal1234.1233Not specified1234.12
1234.5673Not specified1234.57
Round Off1234.123321234.12
Round Down1234.123321234.12
Round Up1234.123321234.13

Date Field

This field allows you to input the date in MM/DD/YYYY format or pick a date using the Calendar UI.

The properties for the date field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the date field.

DateTime Field

This field allows you to input the date and time in MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM format or pick a date using Calendar UI and select time from the Time drop-down.

The properties for the date and time field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the date and time field.

Phone Field

This field allows you to input a valid phone number with a limit of maximum 30 digits.

The properties for the phone field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the phone field.
  2. Length - Type the length of the phone number. You can specify the length between 1 to 30 digits.

Pick List Field

This field allows you to select a value from the pre-defined set of options.

The properties for the pick list field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the pick list field.
  2. Pick List Values - Type the Pick List values. For example, values for the Priority pick list field should be ranked, as shown below:

    If you want to represent the first value of your pick list as default value, select the check box for Use first value as default value.

URL Field

This field allows you to input a web address with a limit of maximum 255 characters.

The properties for the URL field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the URL field.
  2. Length - Type the length of the URL field. You can specify the length between 1 to 255 characters.

TextArea Field

The multi-line text field allows you to input the paragraphs of text with a limit of maximum 2000 characters for Small TextArea and maximum 32000 characters for Large TextArea.

The properties for the text area field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the TextArea field.
  2. Character Limit - From the drop-down, select the character limit such as Small (2000 characters) or Large (32000 characters).

Checkbox Field

This field allows you to select whether the given statement is yes (if checked) or no (if not checked).

The properties for the check box field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the check box field.

Emails Field

This field allows you to input a valid email address with a limit of maximum 100 characters.

The properties for the emails field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the emails field.

Auto-Number Field

This field allows you to classify the records using unique numbers, which are auto generated.

The properties for the auto number field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the auto number field.
  2. Prefix - Type a prefix for the auto number sequence.
  3. Starting Number - Type the starting number of the auto number sequence.
  4. Suffix - Type a suffix for the auto number sequence.

    The auto number sequence preview appears on the screen.

  5. Also update existing records - Select the check box to update existing records.

Lookup Field

This field allows you to establish the one-to-many relationships between records.

The properties for the look up field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the lookup field type.
  2. Lookup Type - From the drop-down list, select a module for which you like to establish a relationship.
  3. Related List Label - Type a name for the Related List that displays under the record's details.

Long Integer Field

This field allows you to input the long integers with a limit of maximum 18 digits.

The properties for the long integer field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for the long integer field type.
  2. Length - Type the length of the long integer. You can specify the length between 1 to 18 characters.

Multi-select Pick List Field

This field allows you to select multiple values from the pre-defined set of options.

The properties for the multi-select pick list field type are:

  1. Label - Type a name for multi-select pick list field type.
  2. Pick List Values - Type the Pick List values.

    If you want to represent the first value of your pick list as default value, select the check box for Use first value as default value.