

Notes provide extra information about a contact, account, pipeline, or task. You can access the notes section in different modules. With the Notes API, you can create, delete, or update notes for single or multiple entries.

Get notes

Retreive the list of notes associated with the records.

For notes from all records, use


For notes from a specific record, use


Choose domain-specific URL to replace {api-domain}

You can use the domain-specific URL to access Bigin resources. Based on the data center in which the Bigin account's resources are available, replace {api-domain} in the preceding request with one of the following API domain URLs:

  • For US,
  • For EU,
  • For AU,
  • For IN,
  • For CN,
  • For JP,

For more information, see Multi DC Support.



For this endpoint, pass the access token as an authorization header. See OAuth Authentication for more information about access tokens.

Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken <ACCESS_TOKEN>

You must authenticate using an access token that is associated with one of the following scopes:

  • ZohoBigin.modules.ALL and ZohoBigin.modules.notes.ALL
  • ZohoBigin.modules.ALL and ZohoBigin.modules.notes.READ
  • ZohoBigin.modules.{module_name}.ALL and ZohoBigin.modules.notes.ALL
  • ZohoBigin.modules.{module_name}.READ and ZohoBigin.modules.notes.READ
  • ZohoBigin.modules.{module_name}.ALL and ZohoBigin.modules.notes.READ
  • ZohoBigin.modules.{module_name}.READ and ZohoBigin.modules.notes.ALL

In the above scope, replace {module_name} with the module for which you want to retrieve the records. The possible modules include pipelines, contacts, accounts (companies in Bigin), products, calls, events, and tasks.

Request parameters

The available request parameters are given below:

Path parameters

The following path parameters are used to obtain notes from a specific record:

module_api_name stringRequired

The API name of the module. The possible modules for this endpoint and their API name are given below:

ModuleAPI Name
record_id stringRequired

The unique identification of a record in a module. You can get the record ID from the Get records API.


Query parameters

fields stringRequired

Specify the fields you want to retrieve in the API response. It accepts multiple field API names separated by commas. You can get the field API names from the Fields Metadata API by accessing the api_name value for each field. For example, if you want to fetch notes and include fields like Note_Title and Note_Content, you can pass them as fields=Note_Title,Note_Content.

You can pass up to 50 fields.

page integerOptional

Represents the page index. This parameter lists the records from the given page index. The default value is 1.

per_page integerOptional

Represents the number of records per page index. The default value is 200, which means up to 200 records can be retrieved per page index.

Note: The page and per_page parameters are utilized when you want to fetch more than 200 records. Since the maximum number of records per API call is 200, fetching records beyond the 200th position is not possible in a single call. However, by making two API calls with page values of 1 and 2 and a per_page value of 200, all 400 records can be retrieved.

Sample request - notes from all records

Copiedcurl ",Note_Content,Parent_Id" \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Copiedresponse = invokeurl
	url: ",Note_Content,Parent_Id"
	type: GET
info response;

Sample request - notes from a specific record

Copiedcurl ",Note_Content,Parent_Id" \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Copiedresponse = invokeurl
	url: ",Note_Content,Parent_Id"
	type: GET
info response;

Response object

The response object contains a list of notes associated with the given record, filtered based on the query parameters provided.

Possible error codes

The response of this resource includes HTTP status and error codes.

The most common HTTP error codes that occur when you request access to this endpoint are given in the following:


    The module name given seems to be invalid
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid module name or there is no tab permission, or the module could have been removed from the available modules. Specify a valid module API name.


    The given module is not supported in API
    Resolution: The modules such as Documents and Projects are not supported in the current API. (This error will not be shown, once these modules are been supported). Specify a valid module API name.


    Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
    Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL. Refer to request URL section above.


    Resolution: Client does not have ZohoBigin.modules.notes.READ scope. Create a new client with valid scope. Refer to scope section above.


    Permission denied to read notes details
    Resolution: The user does not have permission to retrieve notes data. Contact your system administrator.


    Internal Server Error
    Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in Server. Contact support team.


    The http request method type is not a valid one
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to endpoints section above.


    User does not have sufficient privilege to read notes
    Resolution: The user does not have the permission to retrieve notes data. Contact your system administrator.

Sample response

    "data": [
            "Parent_Id": {
                "name": "Cruise Travel Package",
                "id": "2034020000000489123"
            "id": "2034020000000724021",
            "Note_Title": null,
            "Note_Content": "Customer prefers a balcony cabin.\nPayment received in full on 10th July 2023."
            "Parent_Id": {
                "name": "Cruise Travel Package",
                "id": "2034020000000489123"
            "id": "2034020000000724026",
            "Note_Title": null,
            "Note_Content": "Departure date: 25th August 2023."
            "Parent_Id": {
                "name": "Cruise Travel Package",
                "id": "2034020000000489123"
            "id": "2034020000000724031",
            "Note_Title": "Special dietary requirements",
            "Note_Content": "Vegetarian."
            "Parent_Id": {
                "name": "Cruise Travel Package",
                "id": "2034020000000489123"
            "id": "2034020000000724036",
            "Note_Title": "Excursions requested",
            "Note_Content": "Snorkeling and Island Hopping"
    "info": {
        "per_page": 200,
        "next_page_token": null,
        "count": 4,
        "page": 1,
        "previous_page_token": null,
        "page_token_expiry": null,
        "more_records": false