Bend it like Bigin: Customizable CRM that plays by your rules.

Choose how you collect, store, and retrieve CRM data in Bigin. Customize your fields, search filters, and views in Bigin so you can collect, store, and look-up records in a way that makes sense for your business and how you operate.

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Here's how we can help you

  • Rename modules to suit your business operations
  • Create custom fields unique to your business
  • Fetch CRM data with advanced filters
  • Find and edit records faster with Bigin's Search
  • Create custom views for your records
  • Organize your records with tags
  • Create lookup fields for more dynamic connections between records
  • Multi-currency support to work with international customers

Rename modules in Bigin

Businesses come in all shapes and sizes and every business has its own terms for different operations. Some talk about "deals" while others call them "projects". Some have "customers" while others have "clients", and we totally understand that. That's why all of Bigin's modules can be renamed to whatever terms you use in your field. That keeps things easy for everyone.

Mudar o nome dos módulos no Bigin.

Create fields unique to your business

It doesn't stop with renaming your modules. To better fit your business operations, Bigin lets you create custom fields inside your modules so you can always add more information that's relevant to your business operations.

Crie campos personalizados dentro dos módulos no Bigin

Create more contextual fields with Look-up fields

With Look-up fields, you can create any new field and make a connection between different records. This helps store and maintain all kinds of information, however twisted they are!

For example, if you have clients referring other clients to your business, you can easily create a field for "referrals" inside your contacts module. So when you open a client's details, you'd know if they've referred anyone or if they were referred by someone else to your business.

Look up fields can come handy for so many similar scenarios where you need to establish a new connection between records.

campo de pesquisa bigin

fields that automatically calculate integral data

Important information like the size and priority of deals, the commissions on closed deals, the payment due date on purchases, and other details may vary on a case-by-case basis. Instead of engaging in the error- and delay-prone process of manually computing such information, you can create a formula field!

Bigin's Formula Fields will automatically do all of the conditional and mathematical calculations based on your requirements and provide you with the up-to-date information.

Creating a formula field for categorizing deals.

Fetch CRM data with Advanced Filters

CRM solutions are supposed to save your time so good old searches and filters sometimes don't quite cut it. With Bigin's Advanced Filters you can find your CRM records in no time.

While a normal search filter pulls results based on keywords, Advanced Filters can get you the exact record you were looking for based on precise filters for specific properties. For example, to find a record you've never worked on, simply pick the "untouched record" filter.

Busque resultados precisos mais rapidamente com os Filtros avançados no Bigin

Find and edit records faster with Bigin's Search

Bigin's search function is more than a simple search bar. You can find records and edit them right from the results. The new search auto-suggests as you type, pulls a list of related records on the side, and you can pick records right from the suggestions to send emails, add notes, or edit fields. Want to see your recent searches? Simply click on the search bar and find them listed below!

Encontre e edite registros na barra de pesquisa do Bigin.

List and custom views

More records mean more mess when you're looking for a particular record.

That's why Bigin comes with predefined list views. List views help you categorize your records based on unique criteria. For example, if you only need contacts that were added last week, you can change to that specific view, and you'll only see your newest contacts so you can easily send them welcome emails or start a targeted campaign for them.

You can also create your own custom views to display records based on criteria you define. You can either keep your custom views just for yourself or share them with your peers.

Don't forget to pin your favorite views to find things faster!

Visualize os registros com base em critérios exclusivos. Altere visualizações ou crie visualizações personalizadas no Bigin.

Bring your beloved spreadsheets to Bigin!

Bigin's Sheet View combines the familiar reliability of spreadsheets with the advanced functionality of Bigin. This view organizes your data in the tried-and-tested format of rows and columns and enables you to add, update, and compare multiple records.

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Stay organized with tags

Add tags to your records in Bigin to find them more easily. For example, you can create a tag "hot deal" and pin it to deals you think are promising. This helps you categorize your records and find them quicker. To notice them instantly on your pipeline, you can also add colors to your tags!

The more accurate your tags are, the more effective is your classification and the easier it is to identify records.

Adicione etiquetas relevantes aos registros no Bigin para encontrá-los mais rapidamente.

Deal in both local and foreign currency

Got foreign customers? Don't worry, no more mental math to convert prices.

With Multi-currency, Bigin also allows you to pick a local currency for yourself while also allowing you to create deals and label prices in foreign currencies based on where your customer is from. Bigin takes care of the exchange rate conversion of all the different prices and keeps them streamlined everywhere in your currency, including your dashboards.


múltiplas moedas bigin

Trusted by 20,000+ small businesses globally

Now with the ability to customize the pipeline views, stages, module names, fields, the moment one of our salespeople picks up the app, it just works and they love to use it. It requires virtually zero training.

Bigin has become an integral part of our business. It’s absolutely functional, easy to set up, and cost-efficient. It has helped me tighten weekly reviews and build an effective customer follow up strategy. It is ideal for young startups and businesses which require a funnel management system for sales and service.

Bigin is certainly a refreshing new CRM tailor-made for startups and small businesses. For us it was pretty intuitive, and we were off to using it in full swing within 5 minutes of signing up. I also loved the fact that Bigin also has customizations, workflows and integrations for users to grow into the platform slowly and tap in to its power.

Seth CampbellChairman, FiveDoors Inc.
Harshavardhan AshokHead operations, Autoprint Agri Automation
Shyam SundarFounder, GoFloaters.
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So customizable that you'll feel spoiled. Get Bigin today.

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