API Changelog

Explore our API Changelog to find a comprehensive overview of all the updates, modifications, improvements, and fixes made to our Bigin API v2.

Renamed the Deals module

The Deals module is now renamed as Pipelines to ensure better alignment with the product. This change affects all endpoints that incorporate {module_api_name} as Deals. That means, instead of Deals, the Pipelines module is now used for {module_api_name} (as a query parameter or path parameter) in all affected endpoints.

For example,

  • Endpoints in v1:
    • https://www.zohoapis.com/bigin/v1/settings/modules/Deals
    • https://www.zohoapis.com/bigin/v1/settings/tags?module=Deals
  • Endpoints in v2:
    • https://www.zohoapis.com/bigin/v2/settings/modules/Pipelines
    • https://www.zohoapis.com/bigin/v2/settings/tags?module=Pipelines

Please note that any references to Deals in responses have also been changed to Pipelines. Starting from the v2 APIs, developers should update their code to use the Pipelines module instead of Deals in all relevant endpoints.

Updated Scopes

As the Deals module has been renamed to the Pipelines module, we've updated the relevant scopes in order to maintain consistency throughout the Bigin API.

  • ZohoBigin.modules.deals.ALL changed to ZohoBigin.modules.pipelines.ALL
  • ZohoBigin.modules.deals.READ changed to ZohoBigin.modules.pipelines.READ
  • ZohoBigin.modules.deals.WRITE changed to ZohoBigin.modules.pipelines.WRITE
  • ZohoBigin.modules.deals.CREATE changed to ZohoBigin.modules.pipelines.CREATE
  • ZohoBigin.modules.deals.UPDATE changed to ZohoBigin.modules.pipelines.UPDATE
  • ZohoBigin.modules.deals.DELETE changed to ZohoBigin.modules.pipelines.DELETE

Changed Layout and Pipeline Terminology

In the request and response objects, the Layout is now modified to Pipeline, as well as Pipeline is modified to Sub_Pipeline. The affected endpoints are given below:

Mandatory fields Parameter for Fetching All Records

When retrieving all records from a module, the fields parameter becomes a mandatory requirement. This parameter enables you to specify up to 50 field API names that you wish to include in the response. The affected endpoints are given below:

Enhancements to Existing Endpoints

Get users data

  • Added a new error case for handling situations where a user rejects the invitation to join the organization after being sent an invitation.
  • Added the new number_separator and decimal_separator keys in the API response.

Get organization details

  • Added the deletable_org_account key to represent whether the account associated with the organization can be deleted or not.

Get field metadata and Get layout metadata

  • Added the searchable key to represent whether the field in a module can be searched or not.
  • Added the permission_type key in each object of the profiles JSON array. This key represents whether a particular field within a module can have read-only or read-write access.
  • Enhanced the status key values for layouts. The possible values are now active, inactive, downgrade, and hidden, indicating the status of the layout to the user.
  • In Events Module, changed the data type of the Remind_At key to multireminder.

Get related lists metadata

  • Added new keys to the response: customize_sort, customize_fields, and customize_display_label. These keys provide additional customization options for the related lists.

Add and update records

  • For Events Module, enhanced the format of Remind_At for recurring meetings. The Remind_At JSON array now contains units and period keys within each JSON object.
  • For Tasks Module, deprecated support for the FREQ key in the Remind_At JSON object. As a result, setting up multiple reminders for a task is no longer possible. The Remind_At JSON object has been updated to the format "ALARM":"ACTION=EMAIL_or_POPUP;TRIGGER=DATE-TIME:<DateTime_in_ISO8601>"

Get records

  • Enhanced pagination support has been implemented. The next_page_token and previous_page_token keys are now added in API responses for easy pagination. To fetch records below 2000, use page(with a value ranging from 1 to 10) and per_page (with a value up to 200) parameters. On the other hand, if you need to fetch more than 2000 records, obtain the page token from the first response. With subsequent requests, use the value of the next_page_token key to navigate and fetch up to 100,000 records.

    Note: Regardless of the scenario, the maximum number of records per request remains at 200.

  • The cvid and sort_by parameters can no longer be used together. When you use sort_by parameter, records can only be sorted based on the Modified_Time, Created_Time, and id fields.
  • Added the uid parameter to fetch recurring tasks based on their recurring IDs ($u_id).

Search records

  • This API allows you to search and fetch up to 2000 records. Exceeding this limit will trigger the LIMIT_REACHED error.
  • Added new search comparators, providing additional options for enhancing search queries.
  • Added new error cases to improve error reporting and user guidance.

Get tags

  • Added the color_code key in the API response. This key now indicates the hex value of the color chosen for each tag.

Create and Update tags

  • You can now specify a color using color_code key from the list of supported colors for tags while creating or updating them.